Your Source for B Rated, Exploitation and Cult Films

Blackenstein (1973)

B-Rated Aggragate Meter:
B-Rated Critic Rating: 1.8Star(s) Fan Rating: N/A
Outside Reviews:
3.2/10 (567 votes)
N/A/10 (N/A votes)

Eddie is a Vietnam veteran who loses his arms and legs when he steps on a land mine, but a brilliant surgeon is able to attach new limbs. Unfortunately an insanely jealous assistant (who has fallen in love with Eddie’s fiance) switches Eddie’s DNA injections, transforming him into a gigantic killer.


Critic Reviews

Rating Entries





Cute little spin on Frankenstein, but not much more can be said. The gore was actually fairly disgusting for when it was made. The dark scenes made the blood look like blood as opposed to the bright red stuff older horrors are notorious for. Otherwise, there wasn't much to the plot and I am surprised I didn't fall asleep.

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